The Orthodox Pages





















Question 494

Good morning pater over the years I've collected loads of martyries What do I do with them? Is it amartia to bin. Should I take them to church?    



Answer to Question 494

These are indeed a problem, they are given out at baptisms but with no thought of what people are to do with them afterwards. In most cases they are crosses so it wouldn't be right to just throw them into the bin as rubbish. If they are of a burnable material then I would say burn them and throw the ashes in a corner of your garden, but most of them are made of metal. The church has no use for them. All I can suggest is that if you can use a metal cutter, cut them up into small pieces so that they no longer resemble a cross and then bury the pieces in the corner of your garden, If you don't have a garden then maybe a part of a park or field, somewhere where people don't tread


Same member

Oh I can't see my self cutting a cross.. I thought about burning. But thought it was witch craft oufouuu.... I'll figure something out thank you pater mou. Another question why would they put a mati (evil eye) thing on the cross?



Because people are stupid and superstitious and believe more in the power of the eye more than they do in the power of the cross.